Updated Goals

Here we are, the first of these new posts. I wasn't sure what to write, but I figured out a topic.

The new year has barely started, and I'm mostly keeping up on my goals. With art goals, I started with with just wanting to keep track of my art in hopes of finishing more. What that's meant is just maintaining my work schedule and keeping the list of the open projects. Since I haven't finished anything this hasn't really been tested yet.

This is where the next goal comes in. This is a new addition, because I think goals should always be fluid. It is related though. 

So if you've been following on twitter, I've been working on this project that I've been calling The Path. It's changed quite a bit. I've spent hours undoing work and it's really slowed the actual forward progress. I know that I can be better. I've known this for awhile, it's a tricky part of my process, but for some reason it is really hitting me with this piece.  

Pathway Backups.png

I spent too much of the work on stuff that really didn't matter. The image doesn't even properly show it, because I didn't even save some of the inbetween. I need to work on it.

So I'm adding to my goals. I want to get better at that. I'm going to have to learn how, and I have a feeling something like thumbnailing may be the answer. I can't visualize, so I figure things out as I put them on screen/paper. Things tend to change as I go. Having a better idea where I am going, in theory should give me a better idea of where I can be faster. Some research will help get me there. 

For the moment I am determined and I am going to use that motivation while I can.

How are your goals going?  Hope you're new year has been good so far, and thanks for reading.   🥰
(These blogs also go live early over on Patreon.)

End of a Decade and a Look Ahead

These types of updates are everywhere; they're popular this time of year. I hope you'll let me indulge.

2010-2019 art look back

Artwork from 2015 on really blends together, but I really enjoy seeing it as a transition point. It also really makes me want to further develop my art. There may not be as huge of a jump to be made, but I definitely want to make more progress.

This time of year can be hard for me. Goals have always been difficult, and I generally need to take off running when my brain feels like cooperating. It doesn't always happen because the calendar says so. That said, I am hoping to make some changes going forward. 

I've been trying really hard to define my art goals. It's always been tricky; art progress can be really hard to quantify, at least for me. But, quantifying has always been the easiest way for me to actually track progress. Looking at this progress is great, but recently, it looks like less. Normally my goals is some form of "make more" but that's never been as helpful as I like. So I have an idea, but I'm not even sure I actually have the answer.

The biggest change on my end is that I am going to keep better track of my unfinished projects. I'm hoping that keeping a list, and making a point to look at it, helps me finish things. I really love making big illustrations, but sometimes I spend a ton of time and then grind to a halt before it's done. That's something I really want to be better at. This applies to designs as well, but on a much smaller scale. 

As for changes, I want to post more things open to everyone. Being more engaged with the art community and in general is another goal. So what does that mean? I've been trying to figure that out for awhile. I'm not making art fast enough to have a new piece every week, but I want to post more. So here's the deal. Over on Patreon, The Behind the Scenes posts are not what I want them to be. They overlap with the bigger updates, so they might just become more frequent updates for everyone. Patrons will get more in depth looks once the piece is complete, at least that is plan.  

Nothing is going to change with the monthly wallpapers.

I've still got a lot to figure out, but I appreciate you being here while I figure it out.

Hope everyone has a very happy New Year, and here's to 2020. 

February Recap, March Preview

Now that this website is real and the month has turned over it’s time for a real blog post.

February was a busy month for me. I made this website! I made a lot of art, even if I can't share most of the projects yet. I should have the biggest project for you by the end of the March. I'm extremely excited, and I hope you will be too.

I've also done a lot of thinking. About goals. About what I want to do. Secret Project was a SFF illustration. Which I really loved doing, and felt actually incredibly happy with. It reignited a desire to make these "illustrations" rather than just "designs." And the fact I sold two illustration prints made it feel, well viable, is probably the right word.

I don't love those terms. I really don't, but they're the best I can come up with. I don't want to downplay designs, but there was always a part of me that felt like I had to make something with a base level of appeal.  Some of my favorite pieces of the past few years have been these colorful fantasy landscapes. Ultimately, I still want to make both. But now I'm putting into words, and officially writing it down. I want to do one illustration, and at least one design (and/or pattern) every month.

What does this mean for you? Theoretically, a sense of what to expect from me in terms of art. Patrons and Twitch subs will get to see a sneak peek of the next month's plan early. (It’s up right now, even!)

Everything else won't change too much. I'll still be streaming progress over on Twitch and finished pieces will be going up in all the usual places. But! But, if I can maintain this, I'd like to change rewards tiers to send signed mini postcard sized prints to supporters every month at +$10.  High quality downloads at $5. (I'd like to think they'd make a sweet backgrounds.)

Is that something people would be interested in? Let me know.

In other goals, Twitch updated to allow affiliates like myself to earn more emote slots. We're not at the level of 15 for the first new slot, but I intend to push toward it. I already have ideas. Surprise, they involve my cat.

No matter what, I want to make more art for you, and no matter how you show your support, you are greatly appreciated.  Here's to a new month, and thanks for reading!